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Generosity is quite a simple word but doing the deed is usually the hard part. Some persons easily tilt towards acts of generosity without excessive pushing. For some others, doing the act of being generous is usually not that easy for them to carry out. For these Persons, their reasons may vary, and usually, their reasons usually vary from not being motivated enough to doing the act of giving to the ones who would say they usually forget to or, they have not found a convincing cause to donate to.

There are simple steps we can use to intentionally giving a more intentional act.

  • Consider the benefits of Generosity: Reports indicate that People usually do things not because they are really prompted to, but because they have been informed about the benefits that will be theirs. While generosity is seen as the opposite of self-serving, sometimes, the need arises to count the benefits to bolster one’s ego. Generous People report living a healthier, happier and more satisfied living because it provides us with a sense of making a difference in the world.
  • One continuous small step: What usually makes the difference is doing something consistently. A one off 1,000 Naira donation would definitely make a difference but a constant donation of 10 Naira every month would totally go farther than the 1,000 Naira. As such, the secret is giving small but constantly.
  • Give First: Sometimes, People get to become very calculative when it comes to money matters. Once a paycheck is dropping, they have already fashioned out the amount that will go towards feeding, transportation and so many other factors. But, they tend to leave out giving because it’s usually not part of the original budget. The trick here, is to save off a portion regardless. Cultivating this habit will help make it easier for one to have something to give or donate to charity.
  • Try diverting one expense: Have you checked how You spend money regularly? A check of your spending pattern would show some regular unnecessary thing One usually purchases with money. What if You divert the money that particular expense to the cause of charity?

Try these few tricks and let Us know how it worked for You.
Expect a few more tips soonest.

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